Feb 28, 2007


Well last time I posted some pics they were of some of the undead mofos of this piece. This time it's time for some live mofos.

First up Steven. Steven's the main character. He's essentially a really cocky guy. He's funny, but also a jerk. The kind of guy you like to have at work, but not around your friends. Even though he's supposed to be kind of a higher up in his job I made him rather slacky. Note the untucked shirt. Buttons undone. I still need to come up with a uniform for the coffee shop they work out of. I also decided to make him kind of thin. Lanky even. He's not fat but he sure isn't athletic.

Next we have Don. He's that big bristly mustached bastard up there. He's Steven's boss and a real hot head. I wanted to make him that "boss" we all have had. Short sleeved collared shirt. Tie. Bad comb over. Scott suggested to me that I make him sweat profusely. I'm putting a shirt pocket with a big ol hankey in it for him to wipe his forehead with. More sketches as they come.

1 comment:

Scott Hume said...

groovy man, this project is starting to shape up.