Feb 25, 2007

Finally! Some Art!

Well I'm sure if you're still coming back to this blog you're sitting there thinking "geezus Mike Laidman, where the hell is there some art from this stupid project you keep blah blah blahing about?"

Well, here's some! I did some sketching of some zombies. I tried to make them less... I dunno rotted? The point in the story I'm drawing for the sample is pretty early in the Zombie attack, so really, the damage to them wouldn't be much. I did a desktop background of some zombies a while back, but they were all pretty decayed. The point of these sketches were to try and make them instantly recognizable as zombies without the gaping wounds in the face or with limbs missing. These are just really rough at the moment so try to enjoy anyway.

Also, I've already had a few requests for people to be zombies that appear in Unfed. My answer?


1 comment:

Scott Hume said...

about damn time man..hahaha...looking zombieriffic