About two years ago, myself and two artists (one I knew, one I didn't) embarked on a project. A zombie comic the three of us would write and produce together. Well, somehow, it fell through. I kept my notes for the project though.
Flash forward to last November. I had a writing assignment in my class. Write a 22 pg original script. I took those back burner ideas and popped them into a story I called Unfed. 22 pgs later I had something on my hands. An itch that I had scratched. And I needed to itch it more.
Several people in the class read the script quickly falling in love with it. I decided that I wanted to produce this script as an actual book, to sell at conventions and through my website.
As it turns out, we have a project, a summative project that we have to write, draw, ink, and colour. I decided to do "Unfed: The Taste Test", as my project. It will be six pages from the Unfed script I've submitted already. This blog's been set up to record my progress on not only the six pager, but the 22 pager which hopefully will be available for sale later on this year. So check back often and I'll show you some sketches, pages, Script notes, whatever I think will hype up the story.
Enjoyyyyyyy....urrr brains.....