Mar 1, 2009

It was a book. Did you buy it? Doubtful.

A while back (and I mean a while back) I joined forces with fellow artist Scott Hume to put together a book that housed previews of books we were working on at the time that both featured Zombies. Called "The Family feast Edition" It put together Unfed and Zombilly (Scott's rockabilly zombie story) we sold it at the Toronto Comic Convention I guess two years ago now. I created one new piece of art for the project and I'm posting it here for the first time seen outside of the actual book (which had maybe 30 copies tops)whether Scott likes it or not haha. The image in question features Steven just kinda freaked out with Vinnie the scumbag musician. The story in the comic was the 6 page preview comic from the end of school. When are you gonna see that preview? Sooner than you think...

Here's that art:

Scott's art blog can be seen in the links on the side there. Check it.

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