Mar 17, 2007


Yeah, it's been a while since I've posted, but here's some new work. First up, a new sketch of Don, Steven's boss. I like the way his design looks. I might make his eyes a little more beady. He's supposed to be kind of a super jerk.

Also at the bottom there is the Uniform for the unbelievably creative name of Unfed's fast food restaurant "Coffee n' Donuts." Awesome. There will be a colour test for it later in the week.

Finally, the New character. ANDREA. What is with me and that name? There's an Andrea in MSC (who this character is not based on), and I know like three of them. Anyways, here's Andrea. The script describes her as "so freaking hot Don let's her get away with wearing her uniform not to standard so he can check her out". What a perv that Don is. I kinda based her one that one girl, you know, the one at work you secretly like but never ask her out because she's too busy telling you stories of her sexual exploits. Huzzah. Anyway, expect more during the week.